
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Environmental Microbiology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Environmental Microbiology - Assignment frameworkThe reason as to why they are considered together is for human convenience and non as a reflection of their biological, evolutionary or ordered relationships. It is overly important to note that algae are also known to be phototropic.Lenntech.com (1) asserts that almost all algae are eukaryotes and the exact nature of their chloroplasts which contains DNA is incompatible in different lines of algae. Cyanobacteria are a classification of organisms traditionally incorporated among the algae though they nurse a prokaryotic cell structure and they conduct photosynthesis directly within the cytoplasm and not in specialized organs.Expertscolumn.com (1) categorically explains the significance of algae. Economically, Phytoplankton from algae is a source of food to many aquatic living things such as fish and also provides oxygen to their surrounding environment. The desmids help in depth psychology of water contamination or pollution. Anot her example is the brown algae. The brown algae contain alginic savage which is a source of lginites. Algae have negative effects as much as they have many uses. A typical scenario is that when a huge increase of algae occurs, a red soar upwards occurs. This is characterized by the ocean changing its color to red in certain areas as a resolution of the pigment coming from the algae.In conclusion, more research should be done to discover more areas with which algae can be utilized as opposed to their negative effects. This can be attributed to the accompaniment that algae will always exist within our society and the more ways of utilizing them in our lives, the better.Expertcolumn.com. The significance of Algae in Economy and Environment as well as Its Harmful Effect.7 Jan. 2011. Web.27 Oct. 2011

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