
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Billy Sunday Essays - Christian Fundamentalism,

Billy Sunday Billy Sunday For almost a quarter century Billy Sunday was a household name in the United States. Between 1902 when he first made the pages of the New York Times and 1935 when the paper covered his death and memorial service in detail, people who knew anything about current events had heard of the former major league baseball player who was preaching sin and salvation to large crowds all over America. Not everyone who knew of the famous evangelist liked him. Plenty of outspoken critics spoke of his flashy style and criticized his conservative doctrines. But he had hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of loyal defenders, and they were just as loud in their praise as the critics were in their criticism. Whether people stood for or against the Reverend William A. Sunday, they all agreed that it was difficult to be indifferent toward him. The religious leader was so extraordinarily popular, opinionated, and vocal that indifference was the last thing that he would get from people. His most loyal admirers were confident that this rural-breed preacher was Gods mouthpiece, calling Americans to repentance. Sundays critics said that at best he was a well-meaning buffoon whose sermons vulgarized and trivialized the Christian message and at worst he was a disgrace to the name of Christ (Dorsett 2). There are elements of truth in both of these views. He was often guilty of oversimplifying biblical truths, and at times he spoke more out of ignorance than a heavenly viewpoint. He was also a man with numerous flaws. He spoiled his children, giving them everything that they asked for. He put enormous responsibility on his wife, burdening her with many aspects of his ministry. He always noticeably sought the Oswalt / 2 applause of the crowd for his own praise. He often confused the will of God with his own social and political agenda. He even sometimes compared the gospel of Jesus Christ with special interest and American foreign policy. Nevertheless, Billy Sunday was a sincere man whose life was fundamentally changed by his response to an evangelists call to repent of his sins, to believe that Jesus Christ died in his place for those sins, and to follow Christ in thanksgiving by worshiping and obeying him. Following this spiritual rebirth, the convert became deeply devoted to Jesus Christ. A devotion manifested in living out many of the teachings of Christ as found in the New Testaments four Gospels. The professional baseball player became a regular churchgoer. He also studied Scripture and became unusually generous toward the needy. Furthermore, Sunday was constrained by an obsession to tell others how he had finally found inner peace and a more purposeful life. At first through lectures and then in sermons, he related how Jesus Christ gave him a new life of meaning, peace, and hope. This same gospel, he said, would similarly transform others. The evidence is overwhelmingly that it did. If Billy Sunday was sincere devoted, and motivated, he was also a product of his times and an example of the culture and morals of middle America. On the other hand, Sunday took many stands against popular beliefs, and he persuaded multitudes to join him in a war against many of the modernistic ideas of the time that he saw as evil. As he once summarized his opinion so well, What this world needs is a tidal wave of reform (Sunday Satan 24). Oswalt / 3 It is true that Sunday was a showman who craved an audience and loved applause. But he also touched the lives of countless men and women of all social classes, helping them escape various forms of personal bondage and find freedom in the gospel. And if he did not convert all of urban America to his brand of Christianity, he at least played a major role in helping to keep conservative biblical Christianity alive in this century (Dorsett 3). To understand fully why he thought, lived, preached, and teached the way he did, we should look at his upbringing and conversion experience. William Ashley Sunday was born on November 19, 1862. His father, a union private, would die of pneumonia just five weeks later, three days before Christmas, in a cold, damp

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on El Dia De Los Muertos

El Dà ­a de los Muertos Mà ©xico tiene muchas tradiciones que no hay en los Estados Unidos. El dà ­a de los muertos es uno de los aspectos. Està ©s aspectos son interesante, por que no lo hicimos estas tradiciones aquà ­. Hay muchas cosas que hacen en estos dà ­as, como los panteones, el altar, las calaveras, y papel picado. Es muy importante a aprender culturas diferentes para tener un buen conocimiento del mundo. Antes que los conquistadores llegaron a Mà ©xico, los aztecas tuvieron una celebracià ³n de los muertos desde julio hasta agosto. Durante este tiempo, los aztecas adoraron a la Diosa ella se llama Mictecacihuahtl. La Diosa es la Reina del noveno nivel del infierno, Chignahmictlan. Cuando los conquistadores llegaron a Mà ©xico, ellos cambiaron el festival de los muertos a una celebracià ³n catà ³lica. Esta combinacià ³n es un ejemplo de una religià ³n sagrada. Hoy, se celebra el dà ­a de los muertos, desde el 31 de octubre hasta el 2 de noviembre. En la religià ³n catà ³lica, estos dà ­as son el dà ­a de las brujas, es el dà ­a de todos los santos y el dà ­a de todas las almas. El 31 de octubre, ellos dejan zempasà ºchiles para que los angelitos puedan seguirles a sus casas. Durante todas las celebraciones los Mexicanos visitan los cementarà ­as y decoran las sepulturas de sus familias. Tambià ©n, las familias duermen en los cementerios. Para nosotros eso no es comà ºn. En la cultura latina el conocimiento de los muertos no es una cosa mala ni tan triste, pero es una cosa fantstica con mucho emocià ³n. Ellos son ms abierto con sus sentimientos. Los nià ±os a veces van a los funerales. Ellos pueden hablar y celebrar la persona que murià ³. En nuestra cultura no lo hacemos esto. Tambià ©n, no hablamos mucho sobre la persona que murià ³ ye no nos celebran despuà ©s del FUNRAL. En el primer dà ­a de noviembre, los angelitos que vinieron ya no estn con las familias y las ofrendas de los adultos ya estn organizadas. En el 2 d... Free Essays on El Dia De Los Muertos Free Essays on El Dia De Los Muertos El Dà ­a de los Muertos Mà ©xico tiene muchas tradiciones que no hay en los Estados Unidos. El dà ­a de los muertos es uno de los aspectos. Està ©s aspectos son interesante, por que no lo hicimos estas tradiciones aquà ­. Hay muchas cosas que hacen en estos dà ­as, como los panteones, el altar, las calaveras, y papel picado. Es muy importante a aprender culturas diferentes para tener un buen conocimiento del mundo. Antes que los conquistadores llegaron a Mà ©xico, los aztecas tuvieron una celebracià ³n de los muertos desde julio hasta agosto. Durante este tiempo, los aztecas adoraron a la Diosa ella se llama Mictecacihuahtl. La Diosa es la Reina del noveno nivel del infierno, Chignahmictlan. Cuando los conquistadores llegaron a Mà ©xico, ellos cambiaron el festival de los muertos a una celebracià ³n catà ³lica. Esta combinacià ³n es un ejemplo de una religià ³n sagrada. Hoy, se celebra el dà ­a de los muertos, desde el 31 de octubre hasta el 2 de noviembre. En la religià ³n catà ³lica, estos dà ­as son el dà ­a de las brujas, es el dà ­a de todos los santos y el dà ­a de todas las almas. El 31 de octubre, ellos dejan zempasà ºchiles para que los angelitos puedan seguirles a sus casas. Durante todas las celebraciones los Mexicanos visitan los cementarà ­as y decoran las sepulturas de sus familias. Tambià ©n, las familias duermen en los cementerios. Para nosotros eso no es comà ºn. En la cultura latina el conocimiento de los muertos no es una cosa mala ni tan triste, pero es una cosa fantstica con mucho emocià ³n. Ellos son ms abierto con sus sentimientos. Los nià ±os a veces van a los funerales. Ellos pueden hablar y celebrar la persona que murià ³. En nuestra cultura no lo hacemos esto. Tambià ©n, no hablamos mucho sobre la persona que murià ³ ye no nos celebran despuà ©s del FUNRAL. En el primer dà ­a de noviembre, los angelitos que vinieron ya no estn con las familias y las ofrendas de los adultos ya estn organizadas. En el 2 d...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Culture & Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Culture & Technology - Essay Example The paper tries to analyze the relationship and significance of food as an aspect of culture and technology. Bodily circumstances and physical images, like being overweight or slender, are intensely embedded in femininity features and cultural aspects, and represent how people classify themselves differently through food eating habits and cravings. Food offers a wide variety of meanings since the daily practices all over the world revolve around that aspect. There is an extensive range of etiquette, tastes, and cuisines associated to it. Technology dictates a chief role in the food, and beverage industry bringing evolution in the industry as a result of advancement in the technological field. New information has resulted in the invention of several brands and variety in the market bringing about competition and quality brands. As the populace grows, the numerical figure agricultural grower is on the decline. This exerts pressure on transportation and storage space systems. This makes it impractical to overcome the challenges experienced in the food and beverage industry. Nevertheless, technological evolution in food manufacturing industries has resulted to fresh discoveries in nutritional knowledge have led to an increase in the quality and standards hence enhancing the variety of foods. Technology has resulted to forecasting of sales and records organization in the industry thus helping in prediction of sales volume leading to delivery of products in time. Nowadays, the food and beverage industry experiences worldwide competition in the market which is healthy as it promotes quality services. Technology has led to the advancement of marketing procedures and brand name positions in the food and beverage companies. Companies have developed supply series by replacing the old ways of supply with new schemes to surpass their competitors. Food and beverage manufacture

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Funding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Funding - Essay Example lated to different medical conditions including funds for research on patients who require assistance of ventilation that is mechanical in nature, they even funds research that are carried out to help and improve the health and wellbeing of women who are experiencing aging as well as breast cancer, they are offering funds for research regarding deadly diseases such as AIDs, they even fund researches that are related to disease prevention methods that are community based and they even provide funds for research that are related to health and wellbeing of officials of the field of nursing and medicine (Loeb 199). In order to obtain funds and grants from NINR, the project leader for the research should be at least qualified at the doctoral level and these researchers should have at least completed one research in the field or in the disease that they are opting to conduct a larger and expanded research. In order to obtain funds for a particular research the leader has to submit a propos al and then the proposal is reviewed by the panel for acceptance or rejection. Loeb, Susan J., Janice Penrod, Ann Kolanowski, Judith E. Hupcey, Kim Kopenhaver Haidet, Donna M. Fick, Dee Mcgonigle, and Fang Yu. "Creating Cross-Disciplinary Research Alliances to Advance Nursing Science." Journal of Nursing Scholarship 40.2 (2008): 195-201.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Distribution Channels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Distribution Channels - Essay Example It involves providing important features of the product that makes it stand out from the competitors. In addition, the people element refers to how the service and the expertise and skills of the people who work for the organization who help in the achievement of a company’s goals and objectives as well as beat competition. Finally we have the place also known as the distribution channel which is a channel of activities that acts as a bridge between the producer of a product and the actual user of the product (Armstrong & Kotler, 2009). All the marketing mix elements are important to an organization but the distribution channel is the most important and effective manner in which the product gets to the hands of the customer. The distribution channel entails a chain of intermediaries that helps passing of the product from the manufacturer to the end user. In addition, distribution channels are important as they simplify how products will get to the end user. Marketing channel plays a key role in the organization as marketers plan on how goods or services get to the customer. The marketing channel includes one or more marketing intermediaries who execute several marketing functions. These middlemen act as information providers to the manufacturer. They provide development changes like demography, media habits, entry of new competitors, as well as the emergence of a new product in the market. The most valuable time about middlemen is that they get information first hand as they always present in the market place and close to the customer therefore can get this important information at no extra costs. In addition, marketing channel intermediaries exist to make goods and services more available and accessible to the market. They offer contacts, experience, and economies of scale to those organizations that would not do these attributes on their own. The distribution channels affect other marketing decisions therefore making it

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nested transactions

Nested transactions Q1. Executing nested transactions requires some form of coordination. Explain what a coordinator should actually do? In order to make the answer to this question more solid and clear let me start wit a brief explanation on what actually is a nested transaction. Anested transaction is a new transaction begun within the scope of another transaction. Several transactions can begin from the scope of one transaction thus the transaction that starts the nested transaction is called theparentof the nested transaction. The features of nested transactions as to why they exist are listed below. Nested transactions enable an application to isolate errors in certain operations. Nested transactions allow an application to treat several related operations as a single operation. Nested transactions can function concurrently. Now coming on to answer the exact question; the function of a coordinator is that it should take the primary request automatically in the order in which it receives. It should check the unique identifier in case it has already received and executed the request and if it identifies, it should resend the response back Servers which perform requests in distributed transaction needs to communicate with each other to coordinate their actions, therefore there are a few process that involves when the coordinator is in play and they are; In order to keep track of the participants and their information the coordinator keeps a list of references whenever they are involved as this is will be helpful at the time of aborting it. When the client sends a request it first reaches the coordinator which then resends a unique ID to the client which ensures that the coordinator is now responsible for the exchange of transactions. At some instance if there is a new participant who joins the transaction, the coordinator should be informed and it is then the coordinator updates its list of participants and this is where the joint method in the coordinator interface is used. We argued that distribution transparency may not be in place for pervasive systems. This statement is not true for all types of transparencies. Explain what you understand by pervasive system. Give an example? In general Pervasive systems which is also well known as Ubiquitous computing, can be easily derived by the term ubiquitous which means being everywhere at the same time, When applying this logic to technology, the term ubiquitous implies that technology is everywhere and we can use it irrespective of the location and time. It is important to note that pervasive systems are built by a number of different distributed components integrated and tagged together that can be invisible and also visible at times which in general terms is known as transparency. The following points will make it clear to why pervasive systems are important in the current context. Pervasive systems are changing our day to day activities in a various ways. When it comes to using todays digitalized equipments users tend to communicate in different ways be more active conceive and use geographical spaces differently In addition, pervasive systems are global and local practically everywhere social and personal public and private invisible and visible From my understanding, reading and gathering its is true that Distribution transparency may not be in place for pervasive systems but arguably there are rare instances which it can be, because the backend of pervasive system is can be made invisible as the actual user need not know how the process takes place behind the scene. Here is a typical example on how a pervasive system can involve in a humans day to day life. Assume a lecturer is preparing himself for a lecture presentation. The lecture room is in a different campus which is a 15 minute walk from his campus. Its time to leave and he is not quiet ready. He takes his HTC palmtop with him which is a Wi-Fi enabled handheld equipment and walks out. The pervasive system transfers his undone work from his Laptop to his HTC Palmtop, so that he can make his editings during his walk through voice commands. The system knows where the lecturer is heading towards by the campus location tracker. It downloads the presentation to the projection computer in which he is going to present and keeps it prepared for the lecture to begin. Now by the time the lecturer reaches his class he has done the final changes. As the presentation proceeds, he is about to display a slide with a diagram with numerical information regard to forecasts and budgets. The system immediately realises that there might be a mistake in this and warns the lecturer, he realizing this at the right time skips the slide and moves on to other topics to make the presentation smooth leaving the students impressed by his quality presentation. Q2. Consider a chain of processes P1, P2 Pn implementing a multitiered client-server architecture. Process Pi is client of process P i+1, and P i will return a reply to Pi-1 only after receiving a replyfrom P i+1. What are the main problems with this organization when takinga look at the request-reply performance at process P1? From my understanding a Multitiered client-server Architecture basically refers to where more components in terms of hardware and more importantly softwares are added and tied up to build or in other words construct a complete architecture which facilitates the process of presentation, application processing, and data management to be logically processed separately. In relation to the question the limitations and the problems this organization would face is that if the processes are too large that is referring to Pn according to the example there will be bottle neck kind of situation arising and this can make the whole process slow and there will be a chain of processes un processed. A Multitier architecture does not run on its own there are other hardware and software components involved in it and if any of these components drop in performance the whole architecture will see a drop in performance. Another problem is that it would more difficult to program and test than in normal architectures because more devices have to communicate in order to complete a clients request. Q3. Strong mobility in UNIX Systems could be supported by allowing a process to fork a child on a remote machine. Explain how this would work? It is easy to get the initial understanding if the logic behind the term forking a child is made clear. Forking in UNIX refers to the process which the parents image is completely copied to the child. This start when UNIX starts a new process. Basically, how it works is that: the main parent process which already exists forks a child process which is the new process created. Then as the next step the newly created child process gets a duplicate copy of the parents data., and now it has 2 processes with the same data and the child process can now be activated To create a child process there are 2 basic steps to be followed. The System creates an exact copy of parent process by the process of forking The process in UNIX are built with different codes therefore the code of the parent process should be substituted within the code of the child process. We must also have the system reserved with ample resources to create the child process and memory map for it. As a result of this it can also be said that the child process inherits all the system variables of the parent process. The only issue in this would that using the forking process consumes more time and memory to duplicate the parents environment, and to create a unique structure for the child. Q4. Describe how Connectionless Communications between a client and a server proceeds when using sockets? Let me step into answering the question straightaway where the following paragraph will explain how the connectionless communication is taking place between the client and a server using the help of programmed sockets. It is clear that the connection uses UDP to connect and program where the server receives connectionless datagrams from many clients and prints them. Initially, a socket is constructed while it is in unconnected state, which means the socket is in its own and is not associated with any other destination beyond its boundary. The subroutines that needs to be connected binds a destinations i.e. the IP address of the server and the port number to which it listens the requests which is a permanent one to the socket and now puts it in connected state. Once this process is completed behind the scene an application program will call the subroutine to establish a connection before it prepares it self to transfer data through a socket. More importantly all sockets that are used with connectionless datagram i.e. UDP services does not need be connected before they are used but connecting them makes a more efficient and effective way to transfer data between the client and the sever without specifying the destination each an every time. Note: The processes cannot share ports during any time of the process as it is specified permanently to the desired connection itself having said that UDP multicast has the ability to share port numbers which uses a slightly different concept which will not be discussed in this answer. The diagram below illustrates the example in a clear view Q5. The Request-Reply Protocol is underlying most implementations of remote procedure calls and remote method invocations. In the Request-Reply Protocol, the request messages carry a request ID so that the sender can match answer messages to the requests it sent out. Task: Describe a scenario in which a client could receive a reply from an earlier request. Before stepping into answering the questions straightaway let me first briefly explain what the Request-Reply protocol is and why it is used for. The Request-reply protocol is an effective special-purpose protocol for distributed systems based on UDP datagrams The functions of the RRP are listed below When the RRP is in play the reply message from the server forms an acknowledgement for the message requested by the client => avoiding overhead There is no guarantee that if a requested message is sent that it will result in a method being executed Re-transmission and identification of messages can increase reliability RRP helps to keep history of messages to avoid re-execution and repetition in the method during a request when transmitting reply messages. Now coming onto answer the question, assume that a client requests the server and is waiting for a reply message, accordingly the client should get the requested reply within a certain period of time if it doesnt the client sends another request which in other words is known as idempotent operations i.e. operations that can be performed repeatedly with the same effect as if it had been performed exactly once: re-execute the operation. If the server receives the second request it then provides a conditional acknowledgement message this depicts that the server guarantees a reply for the client without letting the client to make any more requests for the same message which it has already made. The diagram below has also explained the same as said above. The Request-Reply-Acknowledge (RRA) protocol is a variant of the Request-Reply (RR) protocol, where the client has to acknowledge the servers reply. Assume that the operations requested by the client are not idempotent, that is, their outcome is different if they are executed a second time. Task: For each of the two protocols, RR and RRA, describe which information the server has to store in order to reliably execute the requests of the client and return information about the outcome. Discuss as well when the server can delete which piece of information under the two protocols Basically the main difference between Request-Reply (RR) and Request-Reply Acknowledge (RRA) is that In the Request-Reply Protocol, the requested messages carry a request ID so that the sender can match answer messages to the requests it sent out but where as this is not the case in Request-Reply-Acknowledgement (RRA) protocol, here the client acknowledges the servers reply messages, and the acknowledgement message contains the ID in the reply message being acknowledged. If we are specifically talking about transmitting requests in the transport layer the Request-Reply protocol is the most effective one to be used because: No acknowledgments are necessary at the transport layer. Since it is often built by UDP datagrams connection establishment overheads can be avoided. There is no necessity for flow control as there are only small amount of data being transferred. In order to reliably execute the requests made by the clients the server has to importantly store the information that is in the request ID so that it makes the server identify the client and respond to its request immediately. The Request ID contains the following information which the server has to store. Sending process identifier IP address of the client Port number through which the request has come Integer sequence number incremented by sender with every request Arguably this can also be the most efficient protocol compared with the Request-Reply Acknowledge protocol because this provides Non-idempotent operations i.e. re-send result stored from previous request but the exception here is that it requires maintenance of a history of replies so that it can make use whenever it receive a request. It is clearly said that the non-idempotent operations do have their limitations therefore to limit the size of history and make the connection more reliable and efficient we use Request-Reply Acknowledge protocol. REFERENCES Distributed Systems Concepts and Design, 3rd Ed. G Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg: Books Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms by Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Author), Maarten van Steen (Author) Other Internet sources Websites and Forums Lecture slides and notes

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Help Sheet Essay

Explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of two contrasting Organisations (M1) You must explain the points of view of the different stakeholders and link the points of view with the aims and objectives of each business. You need to research all aspects and investigate external influences that affect your chosen businesses, for example, supply and demand, government legislation, economy and social factors. * Introduction – start the assignment by describing why stakeholders have different perspectives. They all want their own way, see examples below to help†¦ * You need to look at TWO companies (Tesco and AKA) * Suppliers – want the best price for their product (eg farmers and milk prices, Tesco want to give them 21p, farmers want 25p – how will this affect Tesco’s aims and objectives? (profit, being the best retailer, offering value for money) for AKA – the suppliers want to deliver a product at a certain time, AKA only open from 1pm – this affects suppliers as they have other deliveries and may waste time waiting for AKA to open, hence not worth the order. * Customers – they want the best quality for the best price, they constantly research competitors and only buy the best. They demand special offers, excellent customer service and for big companies to go the extra mile for them. How is this different to suppliers or employees point of view? AKA – the customers want more classes, more sessions, cheaper dance classes, – this goes against the owners as she wants to make a profit and have a minimum numbers of people attending classes otherwise she won’t cover costs. * Local community – they want clean environment, quiet peaceful living area, no rubbish – how will this influence aims and objectives? And how is this different to the other perspectives eg. managers who want to make a profit not pay for bins or plan for early morning deliveries). For AKA, local community want a place to go and visit but car park blocks a whole road when a show is on! * Shareholders and Directors – they want profit and high dividends – how does this compare to the other stakeholders? For AKA, this is not relevant. * Government – they want people to be employed in UK, they want to obtain taxes from large companies, they have initiatives to employ more young people or school leaving age – how does this affect Tesco’s aims? For AKA – Government offer grants to AKA – government want small business to engage segments of the community eg (autistic people) this may not be the pathway the owner wants to go – she may want to work with elderly people – how will the terms of a grant influence AKA’s objectives? * Trade Unions – they want fair, equal pay and terms and conditions for all employees, how does this differ from shareholders that want profit? For AKA, this is not relevant. * Employees – they want good working conditions, bonuses, good holidays – this contradicts against shareholders who want profit, or managers who want to spend money on products not employees staff rooms or lockers. AKA – employees may want better pay to compete with larger dance classes like Zumba franchises – owner cannot afford the higher wages so they have conflict. * Now conclude – this is where you summarise the different opinions of stakeholders and how important they are in making aims and objectives for EVERYONE not just owners or customers. Remember – this is a MERIT task – grade C equivalent – detail and evaluation is the key!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

6 C’s of Communication

Challenge Statement Kindergarten students should transition from books that offer chants, songs and memorized text to books that offer an opportunity to build decoding skills, sight vocabulary and slightly more difficult text. Instructional/Learning model specified Six C's of Motivation will be used to expose the kindergarteners to diverse types of literature and to encourage a love of reading through the use of the Georgia Picture Storybook Award winners and nominees for the award. Explanation of Instructional/Learning model Students have been given the basic letters and letter sounds to learn with no choice. Now is the next step of turning the students into motivated readers. The 6 C’s of Motivation will be the ideal theory to put into practice with this next step. Choice – Giving the students a more challenging selection of books such as the Georgia Picture Storybooks award winners and nominees demands a large next step in enthusiasm from the student. A major reason for the program is to get students involved in reading without creating a scenario where failure seems inevitable. Students strive to meet a reading/learning challenge. Adding the next level of books to the classroom reading time and leisure time will help the students to focus on this reading goal. Challenge – Students strive to meet a reading/learning challenge. Adding the next level of books to the classroom reading time and leisure time will help the students to focus on their next reading goal. Control – When students are given a wide selection, and control over what topic of book to read then they feel like they have ownership in their task. If the topic of the book is interesting to them then they will be motivated to read and learn the new words. Collaboration – The kindergarteners enjoy their Book Buddy (5th grade students) time. Book Buddies will come in and select a book with their apprentice and take turns reading it to each other and discussing what is going on in the story. Constructive Meaning – If the MKO (Book Buddy/parent/teacher) shows an interest in the new level of reading books and find meaning in what is written then the student will also find meaning n the words, sentences and story. The student finds value in being able to read the story and find that others value what the students is reading to them. They need to be given an opportunity to write and speak what the story was about. Consequences – Students will be given the opportunity to share with their Book Buddy class the story that was read together. These opportunities to share what they read will include pictures and written text that summarizes the story. The event will conclude with an ice cream party. When students become motivated, they choose to practice reading books that are more and more challenging. The six C's of Motivation provides six concepts that could be applied to encourage the development of intrinsic student motivation. As they continue to improve, they become even more excited about improving their reading skills. This process repeats itself while teachers, parents, and book buddies (MKO) praise the kids on their progress. The Six C’s of Motivation is the best choice of theories to use in this type of reading development.

Friday, November 8, 2019


Insulation Keeping things warmAim: To find out which of these four materials is a better insulator to water under the same conditions for 5mins the materials are Bubble wrap, Aluminium foil, Cotton wool and Tissue paper.Prediction: I predict that Bubble wrap or cotton wool will be the best insulators due to the fact that they are thicker materials. Bubble wrap also has thick holes, which will trap the heat, but cotton wool is the thickest material so I think that cotton wool will be the best insulator.Plan: For this experiment I will need to get all my required equipment. I will have too had the same amount of water at the same starting temperature. The same length of each material and the tin must be covered same length down with each material otherwise it wont be a fair test, the test should also go on for the same amount of time.English: Shows heat transfer, conduction, convecti...For carrying out this experiment we will also be required to consider all the safety issues such as wearing gogg les too make sure that no harmful chemicals can get into our eyes.Fair test: A fair test is when the whole test is carryed equally. In our test we had to make sure that we used the same amount of water and the same temp of water we had to also have the same length of material and it had to cover the same width of the tin.Convection:Convection is the flow of heat a hot region to a cool region, as opposed to the microscopic transfer of heat between atoms involved with conduction. Suppose we consider heating up a local region of air. As this air heats, the molecules spread out, causing this region to become less dense than the surrounding, unheated air. For...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Computer Crime Hacking Research Paper Example

Computer Crime Hacking Research Paper Example Computer Crime Hacking Paper Computer Crime Hacking Paper Section 1: A brief description of the issue I have chosen to study, in particular indicating how my area of interest has changed since the project proposal, either because the actual issue has evolved since the initial proposal, or as a result of tutor feedback, or as a result of your research. Hacking involves using a computer to gain unauthorized access to another computer system. Although at first hacker was a positive term for a person with a mastery of computers who could push programs beyond what they were designed to do, it has by now become almost synonymous with illegal activities like breaking into protected computer systems, releasing viruses, stealing passwords or other sensitive data, denial of service so on. In my project proposal, I was only interested in the event of hacking crime and how hacking perpetrates a crime. As a result of my research, I have changed my interested area to the motivation and mentality of hacking, why hacking perpetrates a computer crime and finding solution to overcome hacking. Unnumbered hacking crimes happens everyday. And the number of hacking crimes is still increase everyday. So overcome the hacking crime must be imperative under this situation. If we want to overcome hacking crime, not only know the motivation and mentality of hacking and why hacking perpetrates a computer crime, but we also need to research the participants of hacking and the rank of importance of difference participants. From analysis hacking, I should find out some appropriate solutions of hacking crime. Although hacking has already become synonymous with illegal activities or computer crime, hacking also refers as great skill and knowledge of computing. If hacking can performance following the ethical standard, hacking is also a kind of power that can advance technology and society development. Section 2: A description of the ethical choices involved in my issue. Where possible I should indicate both sides of the dilemma. My issue is concerned with control in use of computers and the development of computer systems. I think there is a line between right side and wrong side of my issue hacking. The line should be the computing ethics. First, I will talk about the right side of the hacking in my opinion. Hacking involves using a computer to gain unauthorized access to another computer system. It acts requiring great skill and knowledge of computer systems. No system or software is one hundred percent secure and safe. With the help of hacking we can detect system or software security problems. And we can detect new flaws and bugs all the time. Therefore we need to build newer and better versions of software to overcome the found flaws and bugs. If there is no hacking in the world, the technology wont have advanced to todays standard and we wont have the improvement in software and system that we have today. So the hacking can advance the development of computer system. Hackers only need all information should be free. If all information were free there would be no computer crime happens. It would save money, time, and resource to do the protection of the system or software. So hacking advance the freedom of information. Hackers are doing no harm and changing nothing. The hacking cannot cause assault and battery to anybody. Hacking merely learns how systems operate. Hacking doesnt disturb human natural life. But in my opinion the hacking has another wrong side. Although hacking doesnt cause assault and battery to anybody directly, it usually performances activities like breaking into protected computer systems, releasing viruses, stealing passwords or other sensitive data, denial of service so on. And public announcements of hacking may affect customer trust and privacy. So hacking is damaging computer ethics, peoples privacy, and human rights. Hacking has already perpetrated a crime. So we need to detect and overcome hacking. But overcoming and detecting hacking usually spends high cost of time, resource, and money. So hacking is the reason to run to waste. In conclusion, if it performances following the ethical standard, hacking will seemed to be right and should be developed. If it perpetrates a crime and does harm to human and society, hacking will seemed to be wrong and be overcome. Section 3 An identification of the primary, secondary and implied participants in the issue. Primary participants * Hacker has extraordinary programming skill, cleverness in the face of difficulty, an ability to suspend all other activities while producing a solution to a problem, an appreciation for a clever solution to a seemingly insignificant problem and uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to another computer system. * Company, be hacked, computer system be broke in or password is stolen, the casualty in hacking crime. Secondary participants * Programmer, has sound programming skill, responsible for developing system and maintaining system * System analyst, responsible for doing researching and analyzing system, making decisions in the development of the system, and testing the system. * The customer, who is the customer of the company that is hacked, who is the user of the software or system that is hacked Implied participants * Students, be clever, have enough time to commit a crime, love computer, and have extraordinary programming skill. [primary implied participant] * Programmer, who built software to detect system or software security problems and the software, is misused by hacker. [primary implied participant] * Company white collar, uses computer every day and has sound internet skill. [secondary implied participant] Section 4 Outline of key points, actions or decisions in the issue, and a justification or discussion about those key points, actions or decisions. You should try to use ethical and professional principles in your justification discussion. The motivation of hacking * Economic motive I read an article about the hackers in a magazine. A pressman asks a hacker: why do you hack? The hacker answers: For money. Most of hacker hack computer for heist money. They use their greater computing skill and knowledge to gain unauthorized access to another computer system easily. After they break in the system, they can heist money as they wish. There is a case about the economic motive of hacking: In late 1980s, First National Bank of Chicago is the victim of a $70-million computer heist.[www.sptimes.com/Hackers/story_level.html; Article Title: A history of hacking] According the case above, we can see in that event First National Bank lost 70 millions dollars. First National Bank is the direct victim of this event. And the customer is the indirect victim of this event. The hacking has damages the customers natural life and human rights. The hacking in this case has perpetrated a crime and not been ethical. * Occupationally related Some employers dont satisfy the employees. Therefore the employers hack the companys computer system to retaliate the employer. The employers break in the companys computer system to distribute computer virus, maliciously delete companys important files, or make some changes of companys account to obtain fraudulent credit. If the employers do like that, the employers have perpetrated a crime. Because the employers damage the company, and customer trust and privacy by hacking. Finally the employer will be punished by lawing. * Understanding systems Some companies usually find some hackers to hack companies new system. Every company wants to build a security and safe computer system. But there is no one hundred percent security and safe system in the real-world. The company wants to find the bugs, flaws and any other problems with the help of hacking system. So the company finds some hackers using different great computing skill to hack the new system to detect the problems as soon as possible before the system is used. Hacking can advance the development of computing system. In that way, hacking will be professional ethical. * To find stimulate and challenge Some people like to hack computer systems because they want to find stimulate challenge. Most of this kind of people is student. Student has enough time, computing skill or knowledge, and curiosity to hack computer systems. I heart a case that several years ago, two students hacked U.S. National Defense Department computer system. At last, the two students were caught. Because hacking a computer system without the permission of the host or the owner of the system is an illegal activity. Breaking into computer system with unauthorized access is also not ethical, because it damages the department security. All above show that, if the motivation of hacking is for self economic motive, heist money, retaliation or any other things, it will be seemed not ethical. If the motivation of hacking is for advancing the development of system or software, it will be seemed professional ethical. In another word to say if you hack a computer system with the permission of the host or the owner of the system, your action will be ethical and legal. If not, your action will be not ethical and illegal. And greater the crime you perpetrated, higher the gallows you will be punished. Characteristic of hacking * Learning something special of a programming language or system Hacking is a special skill in using programming language that cannot be learned from the lecture of university. Someone wants to learn the special things of programming or system from that. * Producing and practicing the programming is better than just theorizing about it Hacking is more important in practicing programming. If you just theorizing programming and never producing/practicing programming, you will never hack system successfully. * Appreciating someone elses hacking Hacking doesnt only need great skill and knowledge, it also needs interesting. Some hacker doesnt know what is hacking before becoming a hacker. He will know hacking from appreciating someone elses hacking. He is interesting in hacking and start to learning harking. * Learning a new programming language fast A good hacker must have the capable to learn a new programming language fast. In the real-world, the technology is changing and increasing fast. And the system is building more security and safe using different and new technology. So a good hacker should have the capable to learn a new programming language fast to fit the real world. * Hacking needs great computing skill and knowledge Hacking a system means breaking in a system. It doesnt only need to know how to build a system, but also needs to know how to find a bug or flaws in the system to break in the system. So hacking need great computing skill and knowledge. From the characteristics of hacking you can know hacking is a very professional speciality. It needs a person have great programming skill and knowledge, cleverness in the face of difficulty, an ability to suspend all other activities while producing a solution to a problem, an appreciation for a clever solution to a seemingly insignificant problem. If the hacking doesnt follow the computing ethical standard that damaging computer ethics, peoples privacy, human rights and our natural life, it must be overcome as soon as be detected. If the hacking follows the computing ethical standard that advance the development of system and IT industry, it will be gone on developing.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Humor and Socialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humor and Socialization - Essay Example ..a 2005 study by the University of Maryland School of Medicine showed that laughter helps blood vessels function better" (BIOMED, 2006, p. 420). For academic integrity it should be noted, however, that not all experts agree on this point: Sahakian & Frishman find that that there are "many discrepancies and conflicts in the medical literature regarding laughter, humor, and their effects on the cardiovascular system" (2007, p. 57). Beyond the positive physiological effects, there is a social component to humor which sociologists and the psychological sciences have begun to explore. Van Wormer & Boes, in their study on the social perspective of humor in the emergency room setting, posit that "humor usually cannot be enjoyed alone, interaction and sharing are important components" but go on to conclude that "in the short term, humor can provide a healthy catharsis" (1997, pp. 89, 95). It is this aspect of humor which this study proposes to undertake. There is a case to made for the position taken by social scientist like Lauer, that "we find things funny because we are social beings, and laughter is just one form of communication" (2007, p. 22). That position, however, does not address nor allow for the solitary laugher.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Muhammad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Muhammad - Essay Example Muhammad used oneness of God as the main religious root since under one God and one religion, people of the world would be one. Muhammad as a person before He declared Himself the Prophet of Allah was respected in Arab. He was known to be the honest and respectful; He was kind to the ones younger than him and respected the one older. Muhammad used his previous reputation of being ‘Sadiq’ and ‘Ameen’ (one who is true and trust worthy) to spread Islam (Goldschmidt, 2006). He went and talked to the leaders of different Arabian tribes and told them how Allah has revealed His messages upon Him through Allah’s Angels and asked Muhammad to spread Allah’s final and complete religion. He told the people of Arab that Allah has bestowed upon the world with the fortunes that are there for the people to use and but in the most righteous way. Muhammad Went to the poor to help them when they needed Him and asked the rich to give away their fortunes to the poor so that they could feed their families as nothing but their good deeds are going to help them in the Afterlife. Muhammad brou ght Unity in the people of Arab by making them brother and sisters to each other so that everyone is equal. Travelling to faraway lands and countries in an era when only horses and camels were the means of transport and spreading Islam was the most difficult task Muhammad and His Followers had to face. Muhammad had the task assigned to Him by Allah that He should take Allah’s Message in the form of Quran to all the parts of the world (Goldschmidt, 2006). He did so by sending His followers to the leaders and representatives of different countries and telling them how Allah has made Muhammad His Prophet to spread Allah’s message and now they should follow Muhammad and accept Allah as the only God and do not worship any other God. Also, one major thing that had a